Tuesday 13 September 2016

The All-Seeing Eye, Big Brother and the Telescreens

The All-Seeing Eye

Now, though the All-Seeing Eye hasn't really been mentioned throughout 1984; it is clearly a
vague though obvious part of the symbolism within this story. With the fact that the Telescreens are always watching being an all important fact, along with the ministries being triangular, this is a somewhat notable piece of information.

Though even if this was not intended to be important, it is still something that I am going to be using, as it feels fitting with the idea that Big Brother is always watching you along with whomever is behind the Telescreens; seemingly on constant alert and watch. Again, relevant to the all-seeing eye, for the simple fact of being all-seeing.

Image result for the all seeing eye art

Image result for the all seeing eye art

Big Brother

This symbolism links straight back to the idea of the all-seeing eye, although now more established and stuck to the story of the book. Big Brother is by far one of the biggest pieces of symbolism which appears in 1984. He is seen as a symbol of peace and safety, bringing a sense of calm along with him. Though, in my eyes, even though he is seen as the goody-good guy, the way Winston is described to feel towards this man is anything but what is expected.

Of course, with Orwell's interesting style of writing, it does make you wonder about this dystopian world. Anyway, enough of that. I find this symbolism  very interesting, and may end up linking it to my final piece of work.

Another thing I'll need to bring up later on in my research is propaganda; as this is heavily influenced on just that.

Image result for big brother 1984 art

Image result for big brother 1984 art

The Telescreens

Here is the final reason behind the concept of the all seeing eye being an important symbol behind 1984. The Telescreens. Now, these are just as interesting, an as we see rather early on in the novel, these are watching the occupants of the houses and streets 24/7. Again, something Winston is portrayed to dislike and avoid.

This I something I certainly want to include in my final piece for the REMAKE project. At the mention of these Telescreens, I immediately pictured two things. Both the colour bars error screen on a TV, and also the static of which appears on a television screen. And I feel these are two things of which I will most likely end up looking into further on in the project at hand.

Image result for telescreens 1984 art

Image result for telescreens 1984 art

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